Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Skype for students

This post was inspired by wesley fryer, who wrote about how Tammy is utilizing Skype into her classroom to interview other students in national organizations across the United States. Students are actually able to interact and engage in meaningful projects.

I love this idea, and I think the uses of Skype in the classroom are endless. Working in an elementary setting, you'll just need to be a bit creative in how you find meaningful uses. You could do a class interview with a class across the state/country/world. You could do interviews of people who work in different job sectors or simply interview someone who has done something or seen something significant.

I'm looking forward to getting stated with this and hopefully you are too. Let me know how you're adventures with Skype are going.

Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!


FranFan said...

I just recently started using skype with a friend that is currently at college in Ohio and it is awesome. I'm sure that any use of skype for the classroom would be great especially since the image for the most part is so clean and easy to follow as oppose to dial up connections.

A Special Kind Of Teacher..... said...

Are you using skype in place of your dial up phone? I'm trying to get my wife to use it when she talks to her mother....but that battle might take a little while. However I do agree that upside of using skype is incredible.